ADAM EduTech was started in 2011 by Philip Norton, an Information Technology teacher. As a teacher himself, Philip found himself frustrated with the software options available to schools (and as a result to teachers) at the time. ADAM has been built and grown with an academics first philosophy. Designed by teachers and school administrators to allow our clients to get the most out of an academic management package. Since then, ADAM has grown immensely and is now used in some of the most prestigious and forward thinking schools in the country and across Southern Africa.

ADAM is a web based school information management system designed specifically for Southern Africa schools. It has been designed with Academics and the management of this data as its core function. Academic Analysis and usability for teachers, remains the core focus of our product. Although ADAM is built with the teacher in mind, it has many features which meet the needs and requirements of school management, administrative and technical support staff.
We believe
Outstanding education involves more than academic results. Education is a relationship that is formed between students, their teachers and parents.
Cutting edge schools make use of a wide variety of information to make informed decisions about the young men and women that they educate. The consolidation of this information is therefore critical.
Quality teachers need to focus on the pupils in their classrooms and not on learning how to use complex administration systems.
The education process must be transparent. Good schools are open about what happens in their classrooms, resulting in parents and pupils trusting the education process.