Sending Data to LURITS is a simple five-step process. Before the process can begine, however, the POP Interface (that is, the software that LURITS uses to automate the submission), needs to be installed on a computer. This can be installed on the server that ADAM is installed on, or it can be installed on any PC on the network.
Installing the POP Interface
- The POP Interface does require that the “.NET” framework is installed on your computer. This can be downloaded from Microsoft’s website.
- Once the “.NET” framework is installed on your computer, you can download and extract the contents of the install file.
- Once extracted, run the file setup.exe to install the POP Interface.
- If you have an existing version of the POP Interface software on your computer, you are strongly advised to remove it first and then retry the installation.
- At the “Welcome” screen, click on “Next >”
- The second screen prompts for an installation folder. The default installation folder will be C:\Program Files\Department of Education\POP Interface\. If you are running this software on a Windows 7 operating system, you must install this software anywhere except the “Program Files” folder. We suggest using this installation path: C:\Apps\Department of Education\POP Interface\. Click on “Next >” when you’ve changed the path.
- Click on “Next >” again, to start the installation. The POP Interface will now be installed.
- Click on “Close” to exit the installer.
Once installed, the POP Interface should place two icons on your desktop. These are are POP Interface Processor and POP Interface Manager.
Step 1: Running the Export
- From within ADAM, click on the Administration tab and then click on the Generate LURITS Information option. This will export the information stored in your database in a format that is understood by the LURITS software.
- Within the configured Backup folder on the server (see “Site Settings”), ADAM will create a folder called lurits. In this folder there will be three subfolders: to_send, feedback and archive. When generating the LURITS files, ADAM will write them to the to_send folder.
Step 2: Importing the information into the LURITS POP Interface
- Once the files have been generated in Step 1 (above), run the POP Interface Manager.
- Ensure that the top Secure checkbox is not ticked and that Live School (top option) is selected.
- Click on the Import Interface File(s) button.
- The first time you do this, the program will ask you on which drive you want to save this information. This is confusing because it uses a window that implies you should choose a folder. Regardless of which folder you choose, it will use the drive that the folder is on. To be safe, choose the drive (or a folder within that drive) that the POP Interface software was installed onto. This is typically your “C” drive.
- A window will appear asking you to select the files to upload. Browse to the files stored in the ADAM backup folder on the server in the lurits/to_send folder.
- You should see a number of files that begin “ADAM” and include your EMIS number as part of the file name.
- Select all the files that are there (either by using Ctrl+A or clicking on the first, and then holding Shift while clicking on the last). Click on Open.
- You can now click on the Exit button.
Step 3: Sending to LURITS
- Now run the POP Interface Processor program. This may not appear to do much and will likely disappear after a short while without any confirmation messages.
- To check that it has done its work, on the harddrive, use Windows Explorer to find the folder C:\SASAMSInterface\SASAMSInterfacePOPFiles\xxxxxxxxx\ where the ‘xxxxxxxxx’ will be your school’s 9-digit EMIS number. Within this folder, have a look at the sending subfolder. When you run the import in Step 2 above, the files are copied in here. If the files are still here, it means that the POP Interface Processor is unable to connect to the Internet or to LURITS. Once the sending is complete, the files will be moved to the sent subfolder.
Step 4: Getting Feedback from LURITS
- Files that are uploaded to LURITS are batch-processed at midnight. Thus you will not receive any feedback from LURITS until the day following your submission in Step 3.
- Run the POP Interface Processor program once again. This will check for any files that are ready for download from LURITS. If there are files, unfortunately you will not be told by the software. Instead you must check in the receiving subfolder within the SASAMSInterface folders that were described above.
Step 5: Giving ADAM the Feeback
ADAM now needs to update its database with any changed LURITS Numbers and thus the feedback files need to be processed. Note that ADAM must import the feedback files otherwise its internal sequence counters will not be kept in sync with LURITS and this will result in further submissions to LURITS being rejected.
- The feedback files need to be copied from the C:\SASAMSInterface\SASAMSInterfacePOPFiles\xxxxxxxxx\receiving folder and copied into the lurits/feedback folder within ADAM’s backup folder.
- Once the files are copied, run the Import LURITS feedback information option from the menu. ADAM will now process these files.
If there are any error messages, ADAM will show them to you.
Once ADAM has finished processing the files, the feedback files are moved from the feedback folder to the archive folder.
While we hope it never occurs, it may happen that LURITS will report errors back to you in the headers of the files. There may be more than one error in a file.
- The sequence number expected was x, but a sequence number of y was specified. This is a typical case where ADAM’s and LURITS’s sequence numbers have gone out of sync. This is most often caused by feedback files that have not been imported into ADAM. Check the receiving subfolder within the SASAMSInterface folders described in Step 2 above to see if there are any feedback files that still need processing.
- This school is 2=Other school administration and management system and connectivity, but it was expected to be 5=Non-automated school. This particular error message is generated on other mismatching items also. LURITS needs to know the status of your school in terms of its submissions. Please contact LURITS so that they can update your status. In this case, they have it as 5 and we have it as 2.